So yesterday was literally the most exhausting day I've had in a long time and all in the quest to register myself in a college to do my alevels. Okay so heres whats been going on, at first my option was to go to BAC like I mentioned in earlier post's but then my parents said we should check out HELP and KDU as well to see our options. Then just when we thought we were like 100 % confirmed on which one we decided on guess what we go and check out Taylors but the vibe in Taylor's was really not to my suitability. So after a whole lot of complications the decision was made for me to register in KDU. Finally! I'm okay with going to KDU but of course the nervous jitters are like hammering on the door. Well enough about being nervous its done.
Now that I've registered I have to make my decision on what subjects to take. Yet another decision I thought I had made until yesterday when a whole another wave of new information came to me. So my decision before new info was to take 4 subjects History, Econs, Accounts and Law. And well now my decision after new info is ????!!! Well I'm sure of taking History and Economics and thats about it. Also everyone is telling me to take 3 subjects thats like more than enough but if I really do want to take 4 subjects my fourth should be Mathematics (because its a traditional subject which means the UK universities love it and KDU has superb maths teachers to score in it). Okay yeah about right now people would just yell take it already BUT heres the deal me and maths have history and I practically swore never to touch it again ever.
Yet heres the deal I've been checking and going through my sister's ALevels Mathematics book and it seems do`able like most of the chapters that are on there are the chapters I actually liked in Add Maths. So i'm thinking to myself its not too bad of a choice but I'm scared just freaking scared and I dont know if its the smartest risk to take at this time when literally my biggest dream is on the line plus taking 4 subjects equals to my parents having to fork out more money and I'm not even sure about it. My parents have said its my decision and I think I've got my combination now Economics, History, Accounting and about Mathematics being my 4th hmph I'll need to talk to 3 people before I jump into it. Wish me luck!
Signing out,