May 26, 2008

viral e-mails

$this is funny not cos of terry but whoever came up with this yellow thingy is smart$

hey hot ppl, in a very blurghh mood rite now blurgghhh.
well i bet u guys aredi know bout those viral john terry e-mails going about right i just know it.
i might be an man u supporter but well come on give the guy a break dont you think being the cause as to why chelsea didnt take the cup right there is bad enough??? though i still blame drogba !!!

but wtv. well i saw this really lol worthy pic on this guys blog and he said it was taken from some kinda of newspaper only gawd knows. but well u judge...... :)

$this is funny not cos of abromovich but cos of the mastercard symbol down there$




Anonymous said...

lol ok i have to admit its funny
but i feel really bad for jt he even wrote a letter of apology on chels website . hes a gud man. drogba is asking for trouble. why can t they just control their anger arhghhh. fuhh

Sharanya said...

hahaha. lina!!
dont worry i feel bad for hym to(jt)
nawt drogba he's so never gonna be hawt on my list again....
hahaha...pdn muke hit my bf's face again!