Hey guys,
American idols new season started this wednesday. And as usual the hilarious were plenty just cause it was still in the audition process of the whole show. There was a new judge Kara something and ppl seem to agree wit me on the something. So dont worry im in the exact boat as you, i guess time would only make us remember it. Hahahaha
Anyways on wednesday there was an audition by this guy who had viual impairments (semi blind). Semi as in he can only see a straw's worth of image at a time. So he had to learn how to play the piano all by memorising it and stuff and he played really beutifully. Thus i really wanted to hear him sing and he was actually pretty good. There was quite a bunch of talent within this 4 states this time. There was also equal drama like the girl fight within Kara and the girl in the bikini, the screamers who get pissed, the CHEERLEADING dude. It was a lot but New York always gives the bests of drama each year as we know.
Anyways last year i was all for David Archuleta and adding i hated David Cook duh! But once AI ended and i stopped hating him just cause. Anways David Archuleta is doing ten times better than him currently and plus ppl should stop comparing them since their genres are as different as fire and water. So i stopped comparing as well and both of their singles are good but as crush was more of a favourite for me. So who will be IT this year??
Im not quite sure ...so lets just see!
Out & about,

American Idol rocks!!
David Cook sucks, i hope this yr wud b better
Hahhahah Hell YEAY!
David cook okay lah but still a david archuleta fanatic!muahaha
i like david cook :(
but anyway tht gmbr of archuleta tak cute ahhh
Hahahha yeah yeah we know that rory! lol.... cute ah ! He's cuteee and good!
wow that rhyes funkily weird much :D
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