November 29, 2008

Twilight Forums

hey ppl,
Last time when sze yan used to tell me she was in forums i was like what in the hell do ppl do in forums. I mean i knew that they posted stuff and ppl replied to dicuss it and all. But well it jut didnt sound what you call it EXCIting!

But now well just ask lina whenever she asks me what im up to i would be like i'll be like I'm in the Twilight forums...hahhaha...Well wat i may call tis is an healthy obssesion.

Why u may ask???
Simply because well i've found more ppl like well me when it comes to twilight stuff. Basically its really nice to now that they are ppl out there who actually agree with me on Jacob and stuff. lol. And the best part is there is also ppl out there that liked The baseball scene as much as me and my homies. And the best part is they are ppl actually die'ing just tinking wth new moon's only gonna be coming out 2010??? WTH!!

Anyways the forums i go to are usually the ones on Facebook. I love to go to this one particular group especially on facebook to dicuss twilight its Because I read Twilight I have unrealisteic expectations in Men.

signing out,
Shanya :))


Linamania said...

hahah were becoming obsessive

Sharanya said...

yup obssesive compulsive with twilight. Hell even all my post recently all psl twilight. hahaha